My inventions: Autobiography of Nikola Tesla

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Book Code: 1111030245612

Nikola Tesla, Edited by: Ben johnston

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 In "My Inventions: Autobiography of Nikola Tesla," we gain a fascinating glimpse into the life and mind of a genius. This captivating autobiography delves into the visionary concepts, groundbreaking inventions, and unwavering commitment to innovation that characterized one of the most illustrious inventors in history. Nikola Tesla's personal narrative offers a unique window into his life, inventions, and discoveries, providing valuable insights into the intellect of a scientific prodigy and his pioneering ideas. The book chronicles Tesla's pivotal contributions to the fields of electrical engineering and technology, shedding light on his intriguing vision for innovations like wireless power transmission and other revolutionary concepts.


Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), a brilliant scientist and forward-thinking visionary, possessed an exceptional memory and demonstrated remarkable creativity from his early days of education. Throughout his lifetime, he achieved groundbreaking discoveries and left an indelible mark on the world of innovation. His inventions were nothing short of extraordinary, most notably his pioneering system of power generation and transmission through alternating current, which now forms the backbone of global electrical infrastructure. Tesla's lifelong obsession with wireless energy transmission became publicly evident when he showcased it through a teleautomated boat controlled remotely. Moreover, he made the significant revelation of terrestrial waves, demonstrating the Earth's potential as a conductor that could resonate at specific frequencies. He also delved into the realm of speculative concepts, including a supposed "death ray" and claims of receiving signals from extraterrestrial sources.Tesla's visionary musings extended to harnessing solar energy with antennae, controlling weather through electrical energy, and conceiving a global system of wireless communication. While many of these ideas were initially perceived as mere science fiction by the people of his era, Tesla remained undeterred in his pursuits. there is scarcely any facet of modern technology that has not been influenced in some way by his pioneering discoveries and inventions.


1. MY EARLY LIFE ........................................................................ 7
2. MY FIRST EFFORTS AT INVENTION .................................. 21
OF THE ROTATING MAGNETIC FIELD ...................................35
TRANSFORMER ........................................................................ 49
5. THE MAGNIFYINGTRANSMITTER .................................... 60
6. THE ART OF TELAUTOMATICS ........................................ 74


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